As a seller, our goal is to provide as much security and transparency as possible for your sale or trade. No surprises!
It all starts with a listing inquiry. Email us with what you are looking to sell or trade, including detailed model information. It is a big help if you can include some photos and comment on the condition. If you have some thoughts on what you’d like to get for the equipment, that is also helpful to make sure expectations are realistic. If you are looking to swap, let us know what you want to swap for in as much detail as possible.
We’ll review the submission and see if it is a fit for our clientele. We typically are looking for higher end cine equipment that is still commonly used and in good or better condition. We generally do not sell photo equipment, older gear other than vintage lenses with modern mounts, or consumer/prosumer grade equipment. We’ll get back to you with some thoughts on likely sales price ranges and our interest.
If we are in agreement that it makes sense to move forward, we’ll sign a listing agreement. If the item is a lens, you can decide if you’d like it professionally evaluated or not…. if so, we’ll facilitate that inspection and you would pay the inspecting company directly.
Next you’ll ship the item to us, and we’ll do a receiving inspection and take photos to confirm condition and note any issues. We’ll then list the item on our website and email newsletter. When the item receives an offer or is sold, we’ll keep you informed and pay quickly after funds are received.

Step 1
Send us an email with the information of the product you want to sell or trade (you can include high resolution photos of your product(s))
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Here are our Sell/Trade fees for you to keep them as reference when Listing at CINESWAP.
Selling Fee
5% of the sales price
Swap Fee
Per item basis
Determined on a per item basis. We generally would assume approximately a 5% fee for each item involved in the swap as if they were sold separately, but there may be some adjustments based on the nature of the items.